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Aviation Load Bank

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Load banks developed to be used in the design and performance tests of systems such as Aircraft, Helicopter, UAV, and Satellite developed in the field of Aviation and Space are called "Aviation Load Banks".

Aviation Load Banks are widely used in military and commercial aviation. Every product developed in this field performs critical mission. Resistance to harsh environmental conditions and high measurement accuracy are its essential features.
Especially in defense industry applications, securing critical power and not interrupting missions is the most important issue. The disruption in the critical power demand of aircraft does not only affect an aircraft, but often a fleet or a larger unit. Therefore, keeping vehicles and equipment ready for duty is the first priority, and costs are secondary.


The load bank has different usage areas in aviation. The most common uses
  • GPU Tester
  • Specially Designed Load Banks (Aviation Engine Development Tests)

GPU Tester 

Aircraft and helicopters provide the power they need when parked on the ground, towed to a hangar for maintenance or to operate flight devices before take-off with the help of the Ground Support Device. Ground Support Device is called GPU for short.
Since the use of internal power by aircraft and helicopters while parked or during maintenance will require battery use and starting the engines, costs are reduced by using GPUs in these periods.
Ground Support Devices, which are in intensive use in the field, may fail unplanned. These unplanned stoppages cause both loss of workforce and delays in flights for air traffic where seconds are important. To prevent such undesirable situations, periodic maintenance with the loadbank will keep you informed about GPU performance and upcoming failures.  

28V DC Load Bank 

Ground support devices with 28V DC output voltage are used when the helicopters are parked or to start the engine. It is of high importance for flight safety that the required power can be obtained when necessary.
Periodically tested ground support devices with a 28V DC load bank ensure critical power and detect potential failures.


270V DC Load Bank 

270VDC Ground Support Devices are used to meet the critical power needs of advanced aircraft such as the F-22 Raptor and F-35. Providing critical power for these aircraft is of high importance. In order to verify this power in periodic tests and maintenance, 270V DC Load banks are used. Thus, unwanted unplanned breakdowns are prevented and extra costs are avoided.
270V DC Load Banks are generally produced in the power range of 0-72kW. In addition, these load banks can be used for different types of warplanes such as F-15 Eagle, F-16 Falcon, F-18 Hornet, F-22A Raptor, F-35 JSF, Mirage, NM-UACA, UAVs and Sukhoi.


400Hz AC Load Bank  
 Since the extra weight causes a significant cost increase in aviation, high frequency AC systems are used in many aircraft. High-frequency systems require a thinner cable cross-section than other systems. In this way, a great weight reduction occurs in the aircraft. This advantage provides a serious fuel economy, so it has a widespread use in aviation.
High Frequency Load Banks are the most suitable test equipment to be used to guarantee the 115 / 200 V AC 400Hz power that aircraft need for maintenance periods and flight preparation. 



Custom Design Load Banks  (Aviation Engine Development Tests)

Aircrafts such as airplanes and helicopters are designed to operate in harsh conditions. Especially for military purposes, combat aircraft and helicopters can be exposed to conditions that will push the design limits.
Developing products that will work smoothly in these harsh conditions creates very serious R&D costs. Engines developed especially for combat aircraft use high-tech turbines and blades.


In the development processes where the latest technologies are used, malfunctions and technical failures can occur. Custom Design Load Banks are used to prevent such undesirable situations. The Load Bank allows testing of the engine by simulating the effects of the aircraft's electronic system.
The test parameters specified in the test procedures are defined to the load bank by authorized personnel. During the mission, the electrical loads that will affect the engine of the aircraft are applied to the engine over a test bench. Various test scenarios may be requested for different test procedures. New generation Aviation Freight Bank; Voltage(V), Current(A), Time(t), Power(W), Power Factor(Pf) etc. It has a telemetry system where many parameters can be monitored instantly. This system can be integrated into the test system.


Please contact us for a load bank recommendation and detailed information suitable for your project.




General features

  • Resistive  Loading 
  • Long lasting Cr-Al Resistances 
  • Advanced Heat Protection System 
  • IP2, IP41, IP55 Cabin Designs 
  • 28VDC- 270VDC- AC 400HZ Voltage Options 
  • Easy to Use Operator Panel Horizontal Air Outlets 
  • Manual and Digital load control 
  • Corrosion resistant

Optional Features

  • Remote Controller 
  • Ability to Prepare Test Scenario 
  • Custom Voltage and Current Values 
  • Aluminized Alloy Steel Cabin 
  • SCADA Connection Interface 
  • MODBUS RTU / CAN Bus / RS 485 Communication 
  • Smart Fan protection system 
  • 4-20mA Analog 0-10V Analog Outputs 
  • BMS and SCADA Integration 
  • Data Recording and Reporting